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Whether you feel that you need an Attorney or Advocate Claim Representative, COOFIA provides you with options that are helpful in you winning your claim for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits.  

COOFIA Attorneys

Typically, most Non-COOFIA Attorneys who advertise, rarely pursue your claim if your claim is denied after an Appeals Council Hearing. So, when your claim becomes time-consuming and costly, most Attorneys will decide if they wish to continue representing you as their Client. Most won't.  


If you find that your case has been in-fact dropped by your previous Attorney, contact our office. We maintain a list of Attorneys, committed so social justice  that work with claimant cases that the large frims simply discard.

COOFIA Advocacy Claim Representatives

COOFIA Advocate Claim Representatives are business professionals within your community,  trained and supervised by competant Attorneys in Social Security Disability Law.  COOFIA Advocates are assigned to claimants who need assistance with their documentation and may represent you if your matter is scheduled for an administrative hearing.   

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